Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reality setting in...

        Okay, so now that a few days have passed. It is really sinking in about the changes this means in my life. However, I have also realized the benefits to these changes. That have to be made for my health. Eating better with a gluten free diet as well as cutting sugar out of my daily routine. Is going to increase my weight loss and improve my health over all. Hair, skin, nails, my ability to breathe will improve a lot even more, and if I can get the mind set to quit smoking it would improve altogether. So I am looking for my first goal for my weight, please read the question at the bottom of this blog and let me see your thoughts on where to start. Thanks for your thoughts. 

1 comment:

  1. Mel,

    as someone who has battle weight loss her whole life and is now on a huge WLS journey - i wouldn't set a weight to loose by in the first 30 days because if you don't make it - it will be discouraging. I would give you the advice that I was given in prepping for my major weight loss - start with the small things. consistency is key and 1 change takes 21 days in your life doing it daily to get it to be a habit. take the first month and do something like cut all the sugar out. second month cut something else out etc. don't focus on the lbs focus on the feeling and being healthier overall. there is a lot to do to wrap your head about losing weight and if it is pound focused, you will ultimately fail because weight will fluctuate.

    have you thought about quitting smoking first? i say this because if you are doing all this work to lose weight and then stop smoking your weight will go up- it might be better to start with quitting smoking first.


What should I set my first goal weight to be for 30 days?